PKW ll Porsche Club Danmark ll Trackday
Price range: ab 5.000,00 DKK (ca. 670,00 EUR)
If you want to try one of Europe’s best racetrack, then you can do that joining the PCD Trackday at BILSTER BERG.
The course is reviewed by experienced instructors who will explain how to get a handle on the ideal lines, so that you can optimize your own driving lap after lap.
It is divided into 2 different classes:
BLUE – Debutant or for the slightly experienced who have some track experience.
RED – Very experienced drivers.
Preliminary program:
07.00 – Meeting time at the entrance where there is registration and breakfast
07:30 – Welcome and driver’s meeting – mandatory
08.00 – Driving in the groups
12:00 – PCD offers lunch
13:00 – Driving in the groups
14:00 – Closing and thanks for today
The price for this event is:
- DKK 5,000.00 (incl. catering while we are on the racetrack)
- Remember: If there are 2 of you who want to share 1 Car, you must register the 2nd driver at a price of DKK 2,000.00
Companions who wish to participate in the event cost DKK 500.00 (incl. insurance + catering while we are on the racetrack) - Should you be prevented from participating in the event, PCD will refund 100% of the amount paid up to the last registration deadline for the event :15.08.2024 – after that nothing will be refunded.
The following requirements must be respected:
Driving :
- Driver must have a driving license for a car
- Helmet and seat belt are required
- Cab/targa roof must be on, windows must be closed
- Flag posts and the organizers’ instructions must be respected
- The car must be approved at a technical inspection on the day before driving on the track can be permitted
- The car must be in legal condition for driving on public roads.
- The car must be registered with a valid number plate or equipped with test marks
- Signaling equipment, brake lights, flashing lights etc. must be in working order.
- The brake fluid boiling point must be in order.
- The tires must be legal street tires with min. 1.6 mm pattern. DOT marked (ie approved for public road use) semi-slicks are allowed. Other racing tires are not permitted.
- There must be no loose objects in the car.
- The battery must be clamped and the plus pole covered
- The car must not leak oil, coolant or petro
Questions or further information about the trip should be sent to Tasos Tsiotas at: tasos@porscheclub.dk