A crisis is only a crisis if you allowed to be one!
Thorsten Federschmid is a laid-back guy. His dark hair is short on the sides and longer on top. At the same time, he talks pretty fast and always seems to be on the go. So it’s not unusual that you have to stand in the kitchen with him when there’s something to discuss. While making plans for new events together, he cooks the lunch menu in the meantime. Multitasking for the trained restaurant specialist and chef, who has also completed two further training courses to become an event manager and event specialist, is the order of the day.
Thorsten Federschmid is an authorised signatory at “Marcus Schuster Gastronomie”, the leaseholder of the BILSTER BERG restaurant TURN ONE. As managing director, he and his TEAM make sure that they spoil their guests’ palates every day. Personally, he has absolutely nothing to do with fast cars, although he does like beautiful vehicles. Nevertheless, Thorsten Federschmid tells us that motorsport has an influence on his work, “because just like in motorsport, the BILSTER BERG expects the best performance from us, which gives us new inspiration every day”.
Together with his team of 13 permanent employees and additional seasonal staff, he creates a multi-faceted range of dishes that are often inspired by the region and refined with sustainable products from the immediate local area. In addition to classic event catering, the team also offers BBQ cooking courses and caters for guests directly in the paddock by means of the food truck.
At this point you might think that last year, the “Corona year”, things were quite different. Empty chairs and cold kitchen at the BILSTER BERG? Thorsten Federschmid can clearly deny that: “The pandemic was of course not ideal for us, but we don’t want to complain. Thanks to good cooperation with the BILSTER BERG, team-oriented action and new ideas and concepts, we made the most of the situation.”
It is particularly astonishing that none of the entire team of “Marcus Schuster Gastronomie” had to go on short-time work in 2020. The company clearly relies on people. “Finding good staff in gastronomy is difficult, keeping them is even more difficult, especially in our rural region,” explains Thorsten Federschmid. “So we decided to invest in our permanent staff all the more in these difficult times. We are thinking long-term, because soon we will need our team again at the BILSTER BERG.”
Compared to other locations of the “Marcus Schuster Gastronomie”, the BILSTER BERG has been a safe haven during the pandemic so far. Many of the events that could not take place during the first lockdown were made up for in the second half of the year. For Thorsten Federschmid, it was therefore out of the question to use the lockdown as a well-deserved respite from the often stressful working day in the catering industry. “After all, we have a responsibility towards our staff, their families and customers. So we rolled up our sleeves. Because standing still means the end.” For Thorsten Federschmid, it was therefore out of the question to use the lockdown as a well-deserved breather from the often stressful day-to-day activities in the catering industry. “After all, we have a responsibility towards our staff, their families and customers. So we rolled up our sleeves. Because stopping means to end.”
The “Marcus Schuster Gastronomie” has taken the opportunity to expand its business. In just a few weeks, in addition to the two restaurant locations, a regional bag service with ready-prepared meals for reheating and the Gourmet Garage, a delicatessen gift shop, have been opened. For this extraordinary commitment in the difficult times due to Corona, the IHK Ostwestfalen bestowed the IHK Tourism Award “Courage Maker 2020”. Because that is what you feel very clearly when you talk to Thorsten Federschmid: A crisis is only a crisis if you allowed to be one.
Consequently, Thorsten Federschmid is convinced that the “Marcus Schuster Gastronomy” will definitely be a success at the BILSTER BERG. The event formats will most likely change. Customers, agencies and car manufacturers will have different requirements. But together, in close cooperation with the BILSTER BERG team, optimal solutions will also be found for any challenge. “Because that’s what makes our “BERG” stand out from other race tracks,” concludes Thorsten Federschmid.