Branding & Advertising

  • In principle, BILSTER BERG is exclusively a “white label” site. This means that there is no external company advertising permanently installed anywhere on the site. The only exceptions are the following, locally based companies.

Status: January 2018


  • Classic & Speed, Hall A2, logo affixed above the gate. Visible from the lower paddock
  • Glinicke Group, Hall B6, lower paddock, logo affixed above the gate, banners. No brand-specific branding. Visible from: Lower paddock, lower pit lane, upper pit lane, Ostschleifenterrasse, the terrace at the TURN ONE restaurant.
  • CPM Event, Hall E29, logo affixed above the gate, banners Visible from the TURN ONE restaurant and the parking lot.


Branding for your event is limited only by the usual security policies. A prerequisite in every case is that all of your branding materials can be removed without leaving any residues after your event is over. The following branding options are available to you at BILSTER BERG:

  • 14 banner poles
  • 1 frame for the billboard at the C14 pit hall
  • 1 frame for the banner at the bridge over the start and finish line
  • 19 signs along the track
  • Stationary or mobile signage on the access roads


Please refer to our branding guide for details such as locations and dimensions. We will gladly send it to you on request. Other possibilities include:

  • Placing banners along the track
  • Displays, beach flags, etc.

• Structures, including exhibition stand construction and creation of your completely personal brand identity at BILSTER BERG.

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